Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Football Tickets

So I think we talked about this in class while we were waiting for Robin one day, but I didn’t get football tickets and I am pissed. First off I set my alarm for 6:30 so that I would have plenty of time to go to the library just in case I couldn’t pick up my neighbors wireless internet, which I couldn't. So before I went to the library I called my dad back in Atlanta and he couldn’t get my tickets either. I went to the library to see if I could get through and I could, but something still wouldn’t even let me log in. said my bamamail address and cwid were invalid. The only thing I could think of was that there was still some sort of hold on my account from when I had to withdraw last august. Regardless of what caused me not to get tickets I think the University should guarantee tickets to all current students that want them. As a whole we the student body are the reason that the University and its athletic programs exist so why wouldn’t they put enough tickets out for all of the students.

Old Bryce

So last Saturday a group of us traveled to the old abandoned mental institution known simply as Old Bryce. I've been once before and it was still creepy as hell, right when you walk in you see a huge spray painted satan head with a swastika on his forehead. It’s like one day everyone just decided to get up and leave. There are still beds, mattresses, kitchen equipment, and papers everywhere among other things. I've heard that you can get in a lot of trouble with the police if they catch you there, I wonder if it has anything to do with the charred third floor that was supposedly set afire by trespassers? On the property there is also what looks like an old abandoned school, which is also creepy as hell. If you haven’t gone to Old Bryce I would definitely recommend it, to make it even better don’t bring a flashlight and just use your cell phones to get around.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dance Alabama

On February 19th I went to Dance Alabama held in Morgan Hall. I went because I had to attened a cultural event for my GBA 145 class but I also went to see Leslie Trammell who is a friend of mine perform. Right when I got there I knew I wouldn’t like it; I thought tickets were free but it turns out that I had to pay nine dollars to get in. I had never been to a dance performance before so I had no idea what to expect, most of the dances were very strange and looked either hippy or very modern. The music was not bad at all some of the songs were by the Beatles and Radiohead among others. My favorite performance was “Moment 2 Reflect” which featured a live violinist who was amazing, once again the dancing was weird but the music was good. The very last dance was very interesting, the lights were turned out and black lights were put throughout the stage. Then dancers wearing black from head to toe with fluorescent strips of latex attached to them danced and ran around the room, it was very entertaining. I would recommend others to go to at least one dance performance, just to get a feel for it.

Field Trip Pictures

Confederate Memorial

Denny Chimes

Presidents Mansion

The mystery Druids

Some building

Life Without Internet

So as some of you know I moved out of my dorm about 3 1/2 weeks ago, and into a house. The transition was anything but smooth; all of the basic utilities like water and electricity were easy to get switched on. Internet however took FOREVER. I called and ordered my internet service from Bellsouth on April 4th, through a series of errors on their part and complications in the house my internet wasn’t turned on until April 23rd. Even thought the entire experience was frustrating and painfully inconvenient it did give me an excuse to do things and go places that I normally would not have done. For instance I used the McLure Library when I had to do homework or write a paper, which I normally would have done at my house or sitting in my dorm.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wow I suck at this

So I've come to the realization that I am possibly the worst blogger ever. It has been at least two months since my last, and first, post. But dont be fooled into thinking that I haven't been frequinting amazing local establishment or exploring local areas just because I havent been posting. In fact I have been keeping a list all these months of experinces that would make great posts. So from this day forward until the end of the semester I am setting a goal for myself to make at least three posts a week. So check my blog and check it often.

more to come, Joe